March 2010

The blog has been a bit quiet, the reason for which will soon become apparent.

First off, our apologies to the staff and audience at the Full Moon in Fishponds for having to cancel their gig
on the 12th Feb at short notice. Unfortunately Rich succumbed to the dreaded lurgy and was totally incapacitated
for rehearsal as well as the gig. Hopefully we will have the chance to be able to rebook this venue later this year.

The song remains the same but line-ups change.

With the news that Rich will be handing his “I’m the guitarist in Hush” badge back to the band shortly, we are
currently seeking and auditioning for a new neck wrestler. Rich has graciously offered to play the pre-booked gigs
until we can get the new guitarist up to speed, to which we are grateful. This means that Hush will not be cancelling
gigs for personnel reasons.
